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Fig. 12 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 12

From: Imaging the operated colon using water-enema multidetector CT, with emphasis on surgical anastomoses

Fig. 12

Serosal and intramural neoplastic recurrence in a 74-year-old female with a history of left hemicolectomy for G3 signet-ring colon carcinoma. Corresponding to an endoscopically impassable stricture, WE-MDCT (ac) showed a poorly distended segment with thickened walls and non-stratified enhancement (arrowheads) located just distal to the ileo-colic anastomosis, minimal peritoneal effusion (* in b) and mesenteric fat stranding (+) with centimetric lymphadenopathies. Final diagnosis was intra-abdominal carcinomatosis

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