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Table 3 Breast MRI screening: available evidence, recommendations, and adoption in women at high risk and in women with dense breasts

From: The paradox of MRI for breast cancer screening: high-risk and dense breasts—available evidence and current practice

Available evidence, recommendations/guidelines, and adoption

Breast MRI screening

High risk

Dense breasts

RCT: mortality reduction



RCT: interval cancer reduction


Yes (in 2019)a,c

RCT: favourable shift in tumour stage upon detection

Yes, in 2019d

Yes (in 2019)a,c,e

Test accuracy comparative studies

Yes, since 2000f

Yes (in 2020)b,g


Since 2006−2007h,i

2018−2023j, k

Adoption by healthcare systems



  1. MRI magnetic resonance imaging, RCT randomised controlled trial
  2. aExtremely dense breasts (BI-RADS category d)
  3. bHeterogeneosly dense and extremely dense breasts (BI-RADS categories c and d)
  4. cDENSE, main results 1st round [27]
  5. dFaMRIsc [82]
  6. eDENSE, second round [96]
  7. fRef [58]
  8. gECOG-ACRIN EA1141 [97]
  9. hNICE [23]
  10. iACS [11]
  11. jACR 2018 [76]
  12. kACR 2023 [77]