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Fig. 3 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 3

From: Superolateral Hoffa fat pad edema in adolescent competitive alpine skiers: temporal evolution over 4 years and risk factors

Fig. 3

Measurements of the trochlear morphology shown on axial MR images of the left knee: The trochlear sulcus angle \(\alpha\) (a) was defined as the angle between the medial and lateral trochlear facets. The lateral (\(\beta ) and\) medial (\(\gamma )\) trochlear inclination (b) were defined as the angles between the lateral and medial trochlear facets and the reference line (G), respectively. The trochlear sulcus depth (c) was measured by drawing lines perpendicular to the reference line (G) indicating the largest anterior-to-posterior diameter of the lateral (A) and medial (C) trochlear facets as well as the deepest point of the sulcus (B). Finally, trochlear depth was calculated as follows: trochlear depth in mm = ([A + C]/2) − B. The trochlear angle (d) was defined as the angle between the reference line (G) and a line (H) drawn along the most anterior points of the medial and lateral trochlear facets

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