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Fig. 3 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 3

From: Curation of myeloma observational study MALIMAR using XNAT: solving the challenges posed by real-world data

Fig. 3

a Representation of pattern of slice separation in source data prior to cleaning: light blue, contiguous slice data; white, slice underlap; dark blue, slice overlap. When these axially acquired slices are displayed in a coronal reformatting, image artefacts are evident, and these are highlighted by the arrows in the inset enlargements. b Summary report generated by the slice-correction portion of the cleaning algorithm for the “water” images of the same patient as a. Note that overlapping slices (amber warning) can be corrected by interpolation, with no loss of information. Underlapping slices (red warning) represent missing data in the “composed” images. c Summary report and graphical representation of slice locations for the diffusion data of the same patient as a and b. Note the difference in underlap and overlap pattern between the composed versions of the two images series acquired with the same fields of view but different b-values. d Examples from a different patient of the effect of image composition on the positions of corresponding structures on nominally co-registered images. The small inset displays the location of the enlarged image region within the entire slice

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