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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population and of patients with a report mentioning the presence of ground glass opacities and subpleural abnormal findings on chest CT scan (i.e. ‘target reports’)

From: Emergency department CT examinations demonstrate no evidence of early viral circulation at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic—a multicentre epidemiological study


All patients (n = 49,311)

Target reports (n = 146)



23,636/49,311 (47.9%)

56/146 (38.4%)


25,675/49,311 (52.1%)

90/146 (61.6%)

Age (years)

 Mean ± SD

57.7 ± 22.7

64.3 ± 19.7

 Median (range)

59.9 (0–100.1)

67.1 (15.3–95.7)

Contrast medium injection


11,607/49,311 (23.5%)

47/146 (32.2%)


37,704/49,311 (76.5%)

99/146 (67.8%)

Coverage of the chest


16,708/49,311 (33.9%)

137/146 (93.8%)

 Partly (top)

10,138/49,311 (20.6%)

3/146 (2.1%)

 Partly (bottom)

20,531/49,311 (41.6%)

6/146 (4.1%)

 Partly (dorsal spine)

1934/49,311 (3.9%)

0/146 (0%)

No. of positive text features


46,207/49,311 (93.7%)

0/146 (0%)


2539/49,311 (5.1%)

0/146 (0%)


494/49,311 (1%)

97/146 (66.4%)


65/49,311 (0.1%)

43/146 (29.5%)


6/49,311 (0.01%)

6/146 (4.1%)

Presence of GGO


1721/49,311 (3.5%)

146/146 (100%)

Presence of intralobular reticulation


263/49,311 (0.5%)

33/146 (22.6%)

Presence of bilateral lung abnormalities


1324/49,311 (2.7%)

22/146 (15.1%)

Presence of subpleural lung abnormalities


438/49,311 (0.9%)

146/146 (100%)

  1. Data are numbers of patients with percentages in parentheses except for age
  2. Abbreviations: GGO ground glass opacities, SD standard deviation