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Fig. 2 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 2

From: Ultrasound imaging of the axilla

Fig. 2

Schematic drawings of the axillary anatomical elements. The sagittal view (A) shows how the clavipectoral fascia (white line) wraps the pectoralis major (PM) muscle, the pectoralis minor (Pm) muscle and the subclavius (S) muscle; and blends with the axillary fascia (yellow line) and the suspensory ligament of the axilla (green lines). Likewise, the posterior view (B) shows the quadrilateral space (QS), the triangular space (TS) and the triangular interval (TI) originating by the crossing of the teres minor (Tm) muscle, the teres major (TM) muscle, the long head of the triceps (lhT) muscle and the humerus (H). Cla: clavicle

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