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Table 3 Terminology to describe regional and non-regional pelvic lymph nodes for rectal cancer staging

From: MRI anatomy of the rectum: key concepts important for rectal cancer staging and treatment planning

  1. aN0 = no regional N + nodes, N1 = 1–3 regional N + nodes (N1a = 1; N1b = 2–3), N2 =  ≥ 4 regional N + nodes (N2a = 4–6; N2b =  ≥ 7)
  2. bThe “lateral nodes” typically include the internal iliac, obturator and external iliac nodes. Note that in some (mainly Japanese) publications, the common iliac nodes are also referred to as “lateral nodes”
  3. cIn distal tumours extending into (or situated primarily in) the distal anal canal, inguinal nodes may still be considered as regional (N-stage) nodes, considering the regional lymphatic drainage route from the anal canal