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Table 4 CLAIM adherence of included studies

From: An updated systematic review of radiomics in osteosarcoma: utilizing CLAIM to adapt the increasing trend of deep learning application in radiomics

CLAIM items (N = 29)

Study, n (%)

Overall (excluding item 27)

961/1508 (63.7)

Section 1: Title and Abstract

53/58 (91.4)

 1. Title or abstract—Identification as a study of AI methodology

29/29 (100.0)

 2. Abstract—Structured summary of study design, methods, results, and conclusions

24/29 (82.8)

Section 2: Introduction

55/87 (63.2)

 3. Background—scientific and clinical background, including the intended use and clinical role of the AI approach

29/29 (100.0)

 4a. Study objective

22/29 (75.9)

 4b. Study hypothesis

4/29 (13.8)

Section 3: Methods

700/1044 (67.0)

 5. Study design—Prospective or retrospective study

29/29 (100.0)

 6. Study design—Study goal, such as model creation, exploratory study, feasibility study, non-inferiority trial

29/29 (100.0)

 7a. Data—Data source

29/29 (100.0)

 7b. Data—Data collection institutions

29/29 (100.0)

 7c. Data—Imaging equipment vendors

25/29 (86.2)

 7d. Data—Image acquisition parameters

22/29 (75.9)

 7e. Data—Institutional review board approval

28/29 (96.6)

 7f. Data—Participant consent

24/29 (82.8)

 8. Data—Eligibility criteria

22/29 (75.9)

 9. Data—Data pre-processing steps

20/29 (69.0)

 10. Data—Selection of data subsets (segmentation of ROI in radiomics studies)

26/29 (89.7)

 11. Data—Definitions of data elements, with references to Common Data Elements

29/29 (100.0)

 12, Data—De-identification methods

3/29 (10.3)

 13. Data—How missing data were handled

6/29 (20.7)

 14. Ground truth—Definition of ground truth reference standard, in sufficient detail to allow replication

27/29 (93.1)

 15a. Ground truth—Rationale for choosing the reference standard (if alternatives exist)

0/29 (0.0)

 15b. Ground truth—Definitive ground truth

29/29 (100.0)

 16. Ground truth—Manual image annotation

17/29 (586)

 17. Ground truth—Image annotation tools and software

10/29 (34.5)

 18. Ground truth—Measurement of inter- and intra-rater variability; methods to mitigate variability and/or resolve discrepancies

9/29 (31.0)

 19a. Data Partitions—Intended sample size and how it was determined

29/29 (100.0)

 19b. Data Partitions—Provided power calculation

4/29 (13.8)

 19c. Data Partitions—Distinct study participants

23/29 (79.3)

 20. Data Partitions—How data were assigned to partitions; specify proportions

22/29 (75.9)

 21. Data Partitions—Level at which partitions are disjoint (e.g., image, study, patient, institution)

22/29 (75.9)

 22a. Model—Provided reproducible model description

21/29 (72.4)

 22b. Model—Provided source code

0/29 (0.0)

 23. Model—Software libraries, frameworks, and packages

20/29 (69.0)

 24. Model—Initialization of model parameters (e.g., randomization, transfer learning)

23/29 (79.3)

 25. Training—Details of training approach, including data augmentation, hyperparameters, number of models trained

16/29 (55.2)

 26. Training—Method of selecting the final model

21/29 (72.4)

 27. Training—Ensembling techniques, if applicable (N = 14)

8/14 (57.1)

 28. Evaluation—Metrics of model performance

29/29 (100.0)

 29. Evaluation—Statistical measures of significance and uncertainty (e.g., confidence intervals)

20/29 (69.0)

 30. Evaluation—Robustness or sensitivity analysis

10/29 (34.5)

 31. Evaluation—Methods for explainability or interpretability (e.g., saliency maps), and how they were validated

11/29 (37.9)

 32. Evaluation—Validation or testing on external data

16/29 (55.2)

Section 4: Results

90/174 (51.7)

 33. Data—Flow of participants or cases, using a diagram to indicate inclusion and exclusion

16/29 (55.2)

 34. Data—Demographic and clinical characteristics of cases in each partition

25/29 (86.2)

 35a. Model performance—Test performance

16/29 (55.2)

 35b. Model performance—Benchmark of performance

8/29 (27.6)

 36. Model performance—Estimates of diagnostic accuracy and their precision (such as 95% confidence intervals)

20/29 (69.0)

 37. Model performance—Failure analysis of incorrectly classified cases

5/29 (17.2)

Section 5: Discussion

57/58 (98.3)

 38. Study limitations, including potential bias, statistical uncertainty, and generalizability

28/29 (96.6)

 39. Implications for practice, including the intended use and/or clinical role

29/29 (100.0)

Section 6: Other information

6/87 (6.9)

 40. Registration number and name of registry

0/29 (0.0)

 41. Where the full study protocol can be accessed

0/29 (0.0)

 42. Sources of funding and other support; role of funders

6/29 (20.7)

  1. CLAIM Checklist for Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. In the cases where a score of one point per item was obtained, the study was considered to have basic adherence to each item. The adherence rate was calculated as proportion of the number of articles with basic adherence to number of total articles. During the calculation, the “if applicable” item (27) was excluded from both the denominator and numerator