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Table 4 The major origin of IPDA, AIPDA, and PIPDA

From: Dual-energy CT with virtual monoenergetic images to improve the visualization of pancreatic supplying arteries: the normal anatomy and variations

Origin of IPDA

Variations in AIPDA and PIPDA origin

% (n)


AIPDA and PIPDA from IPDA bifurcation

35% (35/100)

From a common trunk (PDJ) with first jejunal artery (JA)

AIPDA and PIPDA from IPDA bifurcation

14% (14/100)

middle colon artery

AIPDA and PIPDA from IPDA bifurcation

1% (1/100)

Absent IPDA

Separate origin of AIPDA and PIPDA from SMA

22% (22/100)

Absent IPDA

AIPDA from first JA and PIPDA from SMA

5% (5/100)

Absent IPDA

PIPDA from DPA and AIPDA from SMA

5% (5/100)

Absent IPDA

AIPDA from SMA and PIPDA absent

2% (2/100)

Absent IPDA

AIPDA from SMA and PIPDA from a/r RHA from SMA

2% (2/100)

  1. IPDA, inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery; AIPDA, anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery; PIPDA, posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery; DPA, dorsal pancreatic artery; SMA, superior mesenteric artery; a/rRCHA, aberrant right hepatic artery; JA, jejunal artery; PDJ, pancreaticoduodenojejunal trunk