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Fig. 5 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 5

From: MRI-based radiomics analysis improves preoperative diagnostic performance for the depth of stromal invasion in patients with early stage cervical cancer

Fig. 5

Representative images of middle or deep cervical stroma invasion (a) and superficial cervical stroma invasion (b). The lesions in the frames on sagittal T2WI are cervical tumors. a1 a 35-year-old, 2018 FIGO IB2, SCC patient with MTD on MRI of 28.0 mm. The probability of the middle or deep stroma invasion predicted by the nomogram was 98%. a2 a 49-year-old, 2018 FIGO IB1, SCC patient with MTD on MRI of 14.1 mm. The probability of the middle or deep stroma invasion predicted by the nomogram was 77%. b1 a 34-year-old, 2018 FIGO IB2, SCC patient with MTD on MRI of 20.1 mm. The probability of the middle or deep stroma invasion predicted by the nomogram was 33%. b2 a 52-year-old, 2018 FIGO IB1, AC patient with MTD on MRI of 12.2 mm. The probability of the middle or deep stroma invasion predicted by the nomogram was 13%. (MTD: maximal tumor diameter; FIGO: Federation International of Gynecology and Obstetrics; SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; AC: adenocarcinoma)

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