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Table 2 Upgrade rates for high-risk lesions [5, 15, 22,23,24,25,26]

From: High-risk lesions of the breast: concurrent diagnostic tools and management recommendations

High-risk lesion

Upgrade rate to malignancy

Upgrade Rate to Malignancy by Core-Needle Biopsy (CNB) or Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy (VAB)

Lobular neoplasia (LN)

17% (95% CI 13–21%)

Overall range 0–40%

Atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH)

12% (95% CI 5–21%)

CNB (14G) 16%

VAB (9G): 6–25.4% for ALH and LCIS

Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)

22% (95% CI 14–31%)

CNB (14G) 25%

VAB: 6–25.4% for ALH and LCIS

Atypical Intraductal Epithelial Proliferation (AIDEP)

28% (95% CI 24–31%)

CNB (14G) 31%

VAB (14G) 24% & (11G) 19%

Flat epithelial atypia (FEA)

11% (95% CI 8–14%)

CNB (14G) 10–21%

VAB (11G) 6%

Papillary lesion (PL)

12% (95% CI 10–15%)


 No atypia

7% (95% CI 4–10%)

CNB (14G) mean 3.9% (range 0–20%)

VAB (11G) mean 7.7% (range 0–18.3%)


32% (95% CI 23–41%)

CNB (14G) mean 46.7% (range 6.7–71.4%)

VAB (11G) mean 33% (range 0–71%)

Radial Scar or Complex Sclerosing Lesions (RS/CSL)

8% (95% CI 6–11%)


 No atypia

6% (95% CI 2–13%)

CNB (14G) 9% (1–28%)

VAB (11G) 1% (0–10%)


18% (95% CI 8–32%)

CNB (14G) 33%

VAB (11G) 2% (range 0–18%)