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Table 1 Criteria to assess mammography examinations grouped by type (positioning, artefacts, sharpness, parameters) in craniocaudal, mediolateral oblique and mediolateral mammograms

From: Consensus about image quality assessment criteria of breast implants mammography using Delphi method with radiographers and radiologists








Breast centrally placed

[13, 43,44,45]

Positioning (13)


Presence of pectoral muscle (PM)

[11, 13, 45]


Pectoral muscle visualised down to the level of PNL

[11, 13, 45, 46]


Visualisation of retroglandular adipose tissue

[11, 13, 45]


Medial border of the breast included on the image

[11, 13, 45, 46]


Axillary tail demonstrated

[11, 13, 45, 46]


Superior breast edge included



Inferior breast edge included



Full visualisation of inferior breast tissue



Inframammary angle clearly demonstrated

[11, 13, 45, 46]


Nipple in profile or transected by skin

[11, 13, 45, 46]


Nipple in the midline (+/− 10°)

[11, 45]


Symmetrical mirror images R/L images

[11, 13, 45, 46]


No skin folds

[13, 45, 46]

Artefacts (3)


No artefacts

[45, 46]


Skin edges visualised



Spread of breast tissue to differentiate adipose from fibroglandular tissue

[43, 44]

Sharpness/compression (4)


Sharpness of glandular tissue

[13, 45, 46]


Sharpness of vascular structures

[13, 44]


Visually sharp reproduction of skin structure (rosettes from pores)



Good penetration of thicker areas without over penetration of thin areas

[45, 46]

Parameters (2)


Appropriate contrast


  1. 1, need to have; 2, nice to have; 3, not pertinent/appropriate; 4, I do not know