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Fig. 3 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 3

From: Advanced endoscopic interventions on the pancreas and pancreatic ductal system: a primer for radiologists

Fig. 3

In a 44-year-old male with clinical and laboratory features consistent with mild AP, early contrast-enhanced MDCT (a) showed preserved pancreatic enhancement and mild peripancreatic oedema and fluid (*). A week later, MRI including T2-weighted (b) and diffusion-weighted (DW, c) showed development of a vast heterogeneous region of peripancreatic fat necrosis (*). Additionally, MRCP (d) showed pancreas divisum (MPD indicated by arrows draining into the minor papilla) as the underlying cause of AP. Afterwards, the patient had MPD stenting (not shown) through the Santorini duct to prevent recurrence of AP

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