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Table 4 Usual clinical indications for post-hysterectomy CT imaging

From: Multidetector CT of expected findings and complications after hysterectomy

Intraoperative injury (suspected, recognised by surgeon or repaired) to blood vessels, bowel or urinary tract

Suspected haemorrhage:

- dropping haemoglobin

- blood from drainage tube

- hypotension/shock

Physical signs of peritonitis

Persistent or worsening abdominal distension, pelvic or perineal pain

Suspected infection/sepsis:

- fever

- increasing leukocyte count and C-reactive protein levels

Abnormal vaginal examination:

- discharge

- suspicious physical finding (e.g. swelling, vaginal cuff discontinuity)

Suspicious, abnormal or extensive transvaginal ultrasound findings (e.g. vaginal vault haematoma or abscess)

Suspected urologic injury:

- hydronephrosis

- worsening renal function tests

- haematuria, abnormal urinalysis