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Fig. 6 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 6

From: Delineation of two intracranial areas and the perpendicular intracranial width is sufficient for intracranial volume estimation

Fig. 6

Head rotation when using method 3 in sagittal orientation. a Three different magnetic resonance (MR) acquisitions that have been misaligned in coronal and transversal orientation. The left column illustrates a 5-degree rotation (purple line) and the right column a 10-degree rotation (purple line) from the preferred alignments (blue line). b The effect of random rotation in coronal and transversal orientation. The maximum degree of rotation is given by the x axis and the effect on the correlation of the estimate with fully delineated intracranial volumes (ICV) by the y axis. c The effect of non-random rotation in coronal and transversal orientation between MR acquisitions. The degree of transversal rotation is given by the x axis and the effect on the correlation of the estimate with fully delineated ICV by the y axis. The purple box plots illustrates the distribution of the resulting correlations when the coronal rotation is within 5 degrees and the blue box plots when the coronal rotation is beyond 5 degrees

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