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Table 2 Pulmonary embolism by Wells category and D-dimer category

From: Mandatory adherence to diagnostic protocol increases the yield of CTPA for pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism

All patients (n = 249 CTPA scans)

- None

175 (70.3 %)

- Proximal

64 (25.7 %)

- Subsegmental

10 (4 %)

Pulmonary embolism

Wells low

Wells high

n = 126 (50.6 %)

n = 123 (49.4 %)

- None

96 (76.2 %)

79 (64.2 %)

- Proximal

27 (21.4 %)

37 (30.1 %)

- Subsegmental

3 (2.4 %)

7 (5.7 %)


D-dimer low

D-dimer unknown

D-dimer high

D-dimer low

D-dimer unknown

D-dimer high

n = 7 (5.6 %)

n = 29 (23 %)

n = 90 (71.4 %)

n = 5 (4.1 %)

n = 61 (49.6 %)

n = 57 (46.3 %)

Pulmonary embolism

- None

7 (100 %)

26 (89.7 %)

63 (70 %)

5 (100 %)

40 (65.6 %)

24 (59.6 %)

- Proximal


3 (10.3 %)

24 (26.7 %)


17 (27.9 %)

20 (35.1 %)

- Subsegmental



3 (3.3 %)


4 (6.6 %)

3 (5.3 %)

  1. High Wells score: >4 points
  2. High D-dimer level: ≥0.5 μg/mL
  3. CTPA computed tomography scanning of the pulmonary arteries