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Table 1 This table provides an overview of the bone marrow changes in the disease course of MM, based on information obtained from conventional MRI (signal intensity on T1- and fat-suppressed T2-weighted images), dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (time-intensity curves and semi-quantitative parameters) and diffusion weighted images (apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), b0 and b1000 images). The different imaging characteristics of normal bone marrow, myeloma infiltrated bone marrow with plasma cell percentage of 10–25 %, 25–50 % and >50 %, a focal myeloma lesion, are presented as signal intensities in grey-scale, followed by the changes early and late after therapy. The changes in amount of fat cells, water content, ADC-values, hematopoietic cells, interstitial space and vascularization are described in a semi-quantitative manner (0/+). This overview, is largely supported by the literature, but also partly based on experience and some explanations are currently not statistically proven

From: MRI in multiple myeloma: a pictorial review of diagnostic and post-treatment findings

  1. monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), T1-weighted images (T1), Fat-saturated T2-weighted images (fsT2), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC); time-intensity curve (TIC)
  2. Figure legend: fat cells (yellow circles), hematopoietic marrow (red dots), interstitial water (blue background), monoclonal plasma cells (black circles)