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Table 4 Questions about medical radiation use and radiation protection

From: Radiation knowledge and perception of referral practice among radiologists and radiographers compared with referring clinicians


Response categories

To what extent should the listed criteria be important when a patient is being referred for imaging?

Weighting of importance 1–6; 1 = very important, 6 = not important

 Radiation dose to patient


 Patient’s wish


 Impact on diagnosis


 Impact on treatment


 Impact on patient’s future health


Do you know of imaging referral guidelines, where referrers can seek information on which investigations are indicated for which conditions?


Have you ever used such referral guidelines?


Are patients referred to your department for imaging in cases when you consider it most unlikely that the imaging results will affect treatment of the patient?


If yes, what is the proportion of such referrals among the referrals to your department (circa)?

1 %, 5 %, 10 %, 20 %, 50 %

Why do you think patients are referred to your department for imaging, when imaging is most unlikely to affect treatment? Please weight the listed reasons

Weighting of importance 1–4; 1 = very important, 4 = not important

 Patient expectations


 Give the patient the feeling of being taken seriously


 Lack of time, “get the patient out of the office”, discharge the patient


 Expectations from relatives


 Compensate for insufficient clinical examination


 Normal findings will reassure the patient


Please estimate the effective dose of the listed imaging procedures, compared to a chest X-ray (front and side projection). Please put a mark, even if you are uncertaina

Corresponding numbers of chest X-rays (front and side projection); 0–1, 1–10, 10–50, 50-200

 Cerebral CT


 Pelvic radiography


 Cerebral MRI


 Intravenous pyelography


 Chest CT


 Barium meal fluoroscopy


 Barium enema


 Abdominal CT


 Kidney ultrasound


 Thoracic spine radiography


 Sinus X-ray


 Sinus CT


We ask you to rank the contributors to the mean effective radiation dose for a Norwegian patient in 2006

Rank, 1 = largest contributor, 5 = smallest contributor

 Medical imaging


 Radon in homes


 Background gamma radiation


 Pollution from Sellafield in England


 Pollution from the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident


Detrimental effects of radiation are divided into deterministic and stochastic effects. Are you familiar with these terms? If yes, go to next question


This is a list of potential detrimental effects of radiation. Please mark whether you think these effects are stochastic or deterministic (one mark per effect)






 Fetus abnormalities


 Genetic adverse effects




 Lung cancer

  1. aEstimates of effective dose were compared with national reference values or—when such values were lacking—with doses measured at the first author’s department