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Table 1 Histological variants of invasive lobular carcinoma

From: Evolving concepts in breast lobular neoplasia and invasive lobular carcinoma, and their impact on imaging methods


Histological features


Small cells arranged in more-or-less globular aggregate of 20 or more cells separated by thin bands of fibrous stroma.


Neoplastic cells form tubular, glandular structures. The best prognosis among all forms.


Solid sheets of uniform small cells showing lobular morphology.

There are more pleomorphism and higher frequency of mitoses.


The more aggressive and worst prognosis.

The histological pattern may mimic an undifferentiated ductal carcinoma. Cells are larger due to irregular nuclei with prominent nucleoli.

Mitotic figures are frequent, disperse or in line, throughout the breast stroma. Apocrine or histiocytoid differentiation is common.