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Fig. 3 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 3

From: Multi-modality organ-based approach to expected imaging findings, complications and recurrent tumour in the genitourinary tract after radiotherapy

Fig. 3

A 56-year-old man with metastatic rectal cancer to lungs and L3 thecal sac (not shown). Baseline axial CECT images (a) demonstrate normal adrenal glands and kidneys (open white arrow and asterisk). The patient received external beam RT to treat the thecal metastasis. Three-month follow-up axial CECT images (b) after therapy reveals delayed nephrogram in the upper pole of both kidneys (asterisk) typical findings of acute radiation nephropathy given the appropriate clinical history of prior RT. The patient also developed bilateral and symmetric low-density thickening of the adrenal glands (white arrows). The imaging findings were thought to represent acute radiation-induced adrenal injury. Final follow-up axial CECT images (c) performed 2 months after (b) reveal imaging findings compatible with worsening radiation-induced renal (asterisk) and adrenal (black arrows) injury, at which point the patient developed adrenal insufficiency

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