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Table 1 List of IF classified according to the organ/system involved

From: Extra-spinal incidental findings at lumbar spine MRI in the general population: a large cohort study



Vascular System

AP = atheromasic plaque

AD = aortic Dilationa

AA = aortic Aneurysmb

V = pelvic Varicocele

Lymphatic System

L = enlarged Lymph nodesc


C = cystic lesiond

S = solid lesion

L = lithiasis

H = hydronephrosis


CB = cystic benign lesiond


SB = solid benign lesione


A = anatomic abnormalityf


UD = cavity dilation


CL = cystic Lesiond

SL = solid lesion

PS = post-surgery


PL = bladder wall thickening or prostatic lesion




D = diverticulosis

CT = colo-rectal wall thickeningg


SC = Simple cystsd

HL = T2 hyperintense lesion

BL = biliary lithiasis

BD = biliary duct dilation


AS = accessory spleen

Adrenal glands

AH = hyperplasia

ASL = solid lesion


F = abdominal-pelvic fluid

  1. aTransverse diameter from 2.6 to 3.0 cm
  2. bTransverse diameter more than 3.0 cm
  3. cLymph nodes (pre-sacral in all cases) were considered enlarged with the largest diameter greater than 5 mm
  4. dKidney, liver, uterus and ovary lesions that showed net hyperintensity on T2-weighted and net hypointensity on T1-weighted images, with well-defined margins were considered presumably benign without the need of further work-up
  5. eSolid benign lesions were classifid as E2 if homogeneously hypointense on T1- and T2-weighted images, suggesting fibromiomas
  6. fAnatomical abnormalities were: retroverse uterus, uterus didelphis, bicornuate uterus, septated uterus
  7. gColorectal wall thickening was not defined because colorectal enema was not performed; any wall thickening considered suspicious by consensus of the two observers was included in the study