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Table 3 Summary table of local, nodal and haematogenous spread in colorectal cancer

From: Common primary tumours of the abdomen and pelvis and their patterns of tumour spread as seen on multi-detector computed tomography

Local spread

•Invasion through the bowel wall into the peri-colonic fat and adjacent structures

Lymph node spread

•Follows the vascular distribution of vessels in mesocolon;

Ascending mesocolon: nodes along the ileocolic vessels and right colic vessel;

Transverse mesocolon: nodes along the middle colic vessels;

Sigmoid and descending mesocolon: nodes along the inferior mesenteric vein;

Regional lymph nodes for rectal cancers include: mesorectal, sigmoid mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, lateral sacral, presacral, internal iliac, sacral promontory, superior rectal, middle rectal and inferior rectal

Haematogenous spread

•Liver (via the portal vein) > lung, adrenal glands, bones


•In rectal cancers that have perforated the peritoneum, transcoelomic spread favours the lower right small bowel mesentery and the pouch of Douglas