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Table 2 Recommendations

From: Integrative diagnostics: the time is now—a report from the International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology





Expand multidisciplinary teams: “tumor boards” for all disciplines

National organizational support

Incorporate ID sessions into annual professional meetings

Joint leadership meetings

Cross-departmental professional and administrative structure

Associate dean for ID

Joint committee of radiology/pathology leadership

UME: Principles of diagnosis radiology, laboratory, and pathology instructors

GME: Joint radiology and pathology presentations and conferences

CME: Joint professional society courses

Integrate radiology and pathology IS (with EHR) Monitor and improve joint workflow

Coordinated diagnostic test scheduling

Increase POC testing

ID turnaround time: test 1 to 2 to 3 to dx to rx

Document and QC diagnostic errors

Routine 360° follow-up for all diagnostic tests: missed examinations, missing reports; missing referral physician follow-up

Integrated reporting mechanisms

Advanced CDS functions

ID financial models Real-world trials for diagnostic tests

  1. CDS clinical decision support, CME continuing medical education, dx diagnosis, EHR electronic health record, GME graduate medical education, ID integrative diagnostics, IS information systems, POC point-of-care, QC quality control, rx treatment, UME undergraduate medical education