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Fig. 4 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 4

From: 25 years of experience with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS): changes in patient selection and procedural aspects

Fig. 4

Clinical and laboratory parameters. a Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) score. Proportion of patients classified according to ECOG score during the observation period. ECOG: 0—asymptomatic, 1—symptomatic but completely ambulatory, 2—symptomatic, < 50% in bed during the day, 3—symptomatic, > 50% in bed, but not bedbound, 4—bedbound, 5—death [45]. b Hepatic encephalopathy before TIPS. Proportion of patients with HE classified according to the West Haven Criteria over the observation period. I: mild symptoms, e.g., loss of sleep and shortened attention span. II: moderate symptoms, e.g., memory loss and slurred speech. III: severe symptoms, e.g., personality changes, confusion, and extreme lethargy. IV: a loss of consciousness and coma [46]. c Child–Pugh score. Child–Pugh score over the observation period. d MELD score. Median MELD score over the observation period. Three patients had a MELD score over 40, all of them with CPS C and ECOG score 3; one of them underwent TIPS in an emergency setting

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