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Fig. 13 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 13

From: Role of the radiologist in the diagnosis and management of the two forms of hepatic echinococcosis

Fig. 13

Large cystic echinococcosis lesion of the right liver in a 54-year-old woman revealed by ascitic decompensation. A CT image in the axial plane at the portal phase showing a large cystic echnicoccosis lesion of the right liver. Internal daughter cysts (arrowheads) (CE3a stage). B CT image in the axial plane at the portal phase showing a large right liver cyst complicated by advanced chronic liver disease secondary to Budd Chiari syndrome. Hypertrophy of the left liver lobe and surface nodularity suggestive of advanced fibrosis. C Same examination in the coronal plane. Mass effect of the cystic echinococcosis on the heart chambers (arrowheads). D Same examination in the axial plane, lower slices. Portal thrombosis (arrow) and ascites (star)

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