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Fig. 2 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 2

From: Single-centre survival analysis over 10 years after MR-guided radiofrequency ablation of liver metastases from different tumour entities

Fig. 2

Kaplan–Meier curve for OS of the whole study cohort (a n = 109 patients, median 39.2 months, SD 3.7) and respectively for procedures performed with monopolar electrodes at 0.2 T and bi/multipolar electrodes at 1.5 T (b median 36.5 vs. 37.5 months; 95% CI respectively 28.3–44.6 and 25.7–49.3). RFA treated lesions up to 9 mm revealed the highest OS (c median not reached). OS according to the primary tumours, revealed significant differences with highest OS for patients with NET (d median 130.5 months, SD 46.4, 95% CI 39.4–221.5; p = 0.026) and lowest survival rates for uveal melanoma patients (median 15.0 months, SD 3.8, 95% CI 7.5–22.5). In 72 CRC patients, highest OS was documented for therapy combination of surgery and chemotherapy (e median 53.0 months, SD 16.1; 95% CI 15.5–90.5) and lesions up to 19 mm (f). No significant OS differences were detected between treated lesions smaller or larger than 30 mm (g p = 0.183)

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