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Table 1 Main result summary

From: MRI in female pelvis: an ESUR/ESR survey


n = 840

Institution type


 Non-university hospital

 University hospital


393 (49.5)

425 (50.5)






 Prefer not to say


328 (39.71)

493 (59.69)

5 (0.61)




 < 5 years

 5–10 years

 10–20 years

 > 20 years


199 (45.33)

108 (24.60)

96 (21.87)

36 (8.20)


Indications for pelvic MRI


 Evaluation of recurrence of pelvic tumors

 Detection and staging of gynecologic neoplasms

 Assessment of pelvic pain

 Evaluation of endometriosis

 Evaluation of sonographically indeterminate mass

 Detection and staging of other malignant tumors of the pelvis

659 (78.45)

680 (80.95)

416 (49.52)

628 (74.76)

657 (78.21)

638 (75.95)

 Eval. of fibroids

 Identification and staging of soft tissue sarcomas

 Evaluation of complications after pelvic surgery

 Identification of congenital anomalies

 Determination of arterial or venous anatomy and patency

 Assessment of pelvic defects

 Evaluation of abdominal pain in pregnant women

481 (57.26)

529 (63.00)

422 (50.23)

546 (65.00)

205 (24.40)

366 (43.57)

309 (36.78)

Use of T2/T1 sequence covering the whole paraaortic regions





483 (70.20)

205 (29.80)


Oblique sequence perpendicular to the axis of the uterus or cervix for endometrial or cervical cancer staging





577 (85.23)

100 (14.77)


Slice thickness of axial oblique sequence (< 4 mm)





395 (64.30)

221 (35.70)


Gadolinium T1WI FS sequence


 Yes, in every case

 No, never

 Evaluation of recurrence of pelvic tumors

 In case of detection of gynecologic neoplasms

 In case of staging of gynecologic neoplasms

 In case of assessment of a pelvic mass

 In case of evaluation of fibroids

 In case of identification of congenital anomalies

 In case of evaluation of Endometriosis

 In case of assessment of pelvic floor defects


155 (18.45)

230 (27.38)

541 (64.4)

520 (61.9)

530 (63.1)

533 (63.5)

337 (40.12)

176 (21.0)

277 (33.0)

161 (19.17)

47 (5.6)

Gadolinium cat


 No, never

 At least one

 Yes, in every case

230 (27.38)

455 (54.17)

155 (18.45)

Dynamic Contract enhanced/perfused MRI


 Yes, in every case

 No, never

 Evaluation of recurrence of pelvic tumors

 In case of detection of gynecologic neoplasms

 In case of staging of gynecologic neoplasms

 In case of assessment of a pelvic mass

 In case of evaluation of fibroids

 In case of identification of congenital anomalies

 In case of evaluation of Endometriosis

 In case of assessment of pelvic floor defects


65 (7.74)

473 (56.31)

238 (28.33)

258 (30.71)

267 (31.79)

243 (28.93)

127 (15.12)

69 (8.21)

90 (10.71)

71 (8.45)

38 (4.5)

Dynamic Contract enhanced cat


 No, never

 At least one

 Yes, in every case

473 (56.31)

302 (35.95)

65 (7.74)

DWI sequence


 Yes, in every case

 No, never

 Evaluation of recurrence of pelvic tumors

 In case of detection of gynecologic neoplasms

 In case of staging of gynecologic neoplasms

 In case of assessment of a pelvic mass

 In case of evaluation of fibroids

 In case of identification of congenital anomalies

 In case of evaluation of Endometriosis

 In case of assessment of pelvic floor defects



285 (33.92)

519 (61.79)

525 (62.50)

515 (61.31)

508 (60.48)

419 (49.88)

350 (41.67)

396 (47.14)

348 (41.43)

27 (3.2)

DWI sequence cat


 No, never

 At least one

 Yes, in every case

285 (33.93)

208 (24.76)

347 (41.31)

Do you use standardized reporting?





281 (46.29)

326 (53.71)


Are you aware of ESUR guidelines?





290 (47.9)

315 (52.1)


Do you use ESUR guidelines?





290 (47.93)

315 (52.07)