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Fig. 6 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 6

From: Imaging features of primary sites and metastatic patterns of angiosarcoma

Fig. 6

35-year-old man with cardiac angiosarcoma. a Axial contrast-enhanced CT shows an irregular mass arising from the right atrial wall protruding into the cardiac chamber (asterisk) with nodular soft tissue extending into the adjacent pericardium (arrows). The patient previously presented with cord compression from a thoracic vertebral metastasis which has been decompressed surgically, as shown by the presence of the spinal fixation rods (arrowheads). b Photomicrograph of histologic specimen shows markedly infiltrative tumour extensively permeating cardiac tissue, with dissection of the cardiac myocytes. The minimally atypical spindle and ovoid malignant endothelial cells are seen to line ill-defined, angulated vascular channels insinuating between individual cardiac muscle cells (H and E, × 400)

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