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Table 2 Summary of readability formulae

From: Readability of patient education materials related to radiation safety: What are the implications for patient-centred radiology care?

Readability test

Score Type



Flesch–Kincaid reading grade level

Grade level

Part of the Kincaid Navy Personnel collection of tests. Designed for technical documents and suited to a broad array of disciplines

G = (11.8 × (B/W)) + (0.39 × (W/S))  − 15.59

Flesch–Kincaid reading ease

Index score (0–100)

Developed to assess the readability of newspapers. Best suited to assessing school textbooks and technical manuals. Standard test used by many US government agencies. Scores range from 0–100, with higher scores denoting easier readability

I = (206.835 − (84.6 × (B/W)) − (1.015 × (W/S)))

The Raygor estimate

Grade Level

Designed for most text, including literature and technical documents

Calculated using the mean number of sentences and long words (≥ 6 characters) per 100 words, which are plotted on to a RE Graph, where their intersection determines RGL


Grade level

Designed for a variety of texts including technical documents and literature, across a range of levels, from primary school level to university level

Calculated using the mean number of sentences and syllables per 100 words, which are plotted on to a Fry Graph, where their intersection determines RGL


Grade level

Generally appropriate for secondary age (4th grade to college level) readers. Tests for 100% comprehension, whereas most formulas test for around 50–75% comprehension. Most accurate when applied to documents ≥ 30 sentences in length

G = 1.0430 × √C + 3.1291


Grade level

Designed for secondary age (4th grade to college level) readers. Formula is based on text from the .4 to 16.3 grade level range. Applicable to numerous sectors

G = (− 27.4004 × (E/100)) + 23.06395


Grade level

Devised for assessing U.S. Army technical manuals and forms. It is the only test not designed for running narrative

G = 20 − (M/10)

Gunning fog

Grade level

Developed to assist American businesses improve the readability of their writing. Applicable to numerous disciplines

G = 0.4 × (W/S + ((C*/W) × 100))

  1. G, grade level; B, number of syllables; W, number of words; S, number of sentences; RGL, Reading Grade Level; I, Flesch Index Score; RE, Raygor Estimate; SMOG, Simple Measure of Gobbledygook; C, complex words (≥3 syllables); E , predicted Cloze percentage = 141.8401 − (0.214590 × number of characters) + (1.079812*S); M, number of monosyllabic words; C*, complex words with exceptions including, proper nouns, words made 3 syllables by addition of "ed" or "es", compound words made of simpler words