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Table 1 Radiological main characteristics of borderline, low-grade and high-grade ovarian serous tumours

From: Low-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer: a comprehensive review and update for radiologists


Serous borderline tumour

Low-grade serous tumour

High-grade serous tumour


> 5 cm

> 5 cm

> 5 cm

Tumour architecture

Unilocular or multilocular cystic tumours with well-defined margins and papillary projections, seen in 67% of cases; walls/septa with ≤ 3 mm can occur

Multicystic lobulated tumours with solid components, papillary projections and thick walls/septa; calcifications are frequent; necrosis is rare

Mixed cystic-solid or totally solid tumours with irregular contours; areas of cystic change, haemorrhage or necrosis are frequent

Time-intensity curve

Type 2

Type 3

Type 3

Peritoneal lesions and lymph node involvement

30% may have non-invasive peritoneal implants and lymph node involvement

Delayed dissemination through peritoneal metastases is frequent, but is also seen through lymph nodes; calcified psammoma bodies are common

Typically present with diffuse peritoneal metastases and lymph node involvement


43% of cases have ascites

Not frequently seen

Massive ascites is common

  1. Table based on the literature review [1,2,3, 5,6,7,8, 14, 24, 27]