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Fig. 10 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 10

From: Role of imaging in visceral vascular emergencies

Fig. 10

Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm. A 42-year-old male with no known significant past medical history presented to emergency department and (ED) with severe right upper quadrant pain and hematemesis. Emergent upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy demonstrated active fresh blood extravasation through the ampulla of Vater. A plastic stent was placed into the common hepatic duct. a Axial plane post-contrast arterial phase CT image showed multiple pseudoaneurysms within the liver parenchyma. The largest was seen to be originating from the right hepatic artery (arrow). Also noted was contrast within the gallbladder lumen (arrowhead) suggestive for hemobilia. b The largest aneurysm was confirmed with catheter angiography (arrow). Smaller pseudoaneurysms were also noted in different segments of the liver (arrowheads)

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