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Fig. 18 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 18

From: Persistent left superior vena cava: clinical importance and differential diagnoses

Fig. 18

Levoatriocardinal vein-1. a–f CT images of a patient with mitral valve stenosis due to acute rheumatic fever. The first four axial CT images (a–d) depict the venous structure (red arrows) coursing between the left brachiocephalic vein (blue arrow) and the left upper pulmonary vein (yellow arrow). The density difference between the cranial and caudal ends of the vessel suggests that flow direction is caudo-cranial. 3D VRT CT images with anterior and posterior views (e, f) show the course of the vessel. This vascular structure observed in the posterior of the pulmonary artery in the patient with mitral stenosis, which is a LOL, is compatible with LACV (red arrows)

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