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Table 4 Rare non-tubal implantation sites of ectopic pregnancy (EP)

From: Cross-sectional imaging of acute gynaecologic disorders: CT and MRI findings with differential diagnosis—part I: corpus luteum and haemorrhagic ovarian cysts, genital causes of haemoperitoneum and adnexal torsion




Interstitial EP

2–4% of cases

Implantation of the gestational sac in the interstitial or intramyometrial segment of the fallopian tube

Ovarian EP

Up to 3% of cases

Fertilized ovum is retained in the ovary

Abdominal EP

0.9–1.4% of cases

Implantation of fertilised ovum anywhere on the peritoneal surface or abdominal viscera

Cornual EP

< 1% of cases

Implantation of a blastocyst within the cornua of a bicornuate or septate uterus

Cervical EP

< 1% of cases

Implantation of the blastocyst within the endocervical canal

Caesarean scar EP

< 1% of cases

Implantation of a blastocyst at the site of a prior caesarean scar

Intramural EP

< 1% of cases

Gestational sac located within the uterine wall, completely surrounded by the myometrium and separated from the endometrial cavity

Heterotopic pregnancy

- Spontaneous conception: extremely rare

- After assisted reproduction: 1–3% of patients

Concomitant presence of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies