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Fig. 19 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 19

From: Perinatal post-mortem ultrasound (PMUS): radiological-pathological correlation

Fig. 19

a–c Megalourethra in a foetus at 18 weeks gestation, following termination of pregnancy for bladder outlet obstruction and renal anomalies. A photograph of the perineum (a) obtained at external examination demonstrates an enlarged fluid-filled phallus without external meatus. Post-mortem ultrasound imaging of the pelvis in sagittal plane (b), acquired 6 days after delivery, reveals a distended urinary bladder (asterisk) with a dilated, fluid-filled and tortuous urethra (solid arrows). A subsequent micro-CT study (c) was performed of the extracted bladder and urethra prior to histological sectioning, demonstrating the same findings as the ultrasound of a dilated bladder and urethra. In other imaging planes (not shown), the corpus spongiosum was seen to be deficient in keeping with congenital scaphoid megalourethra

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