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Fig. 13 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 13

From: Imaging of thoracic hernias: types and complications

Fig. 13

a A 46-year-old female being evaluated for right cardiophrenic angle opacity identified on a chest radiograph obtained during evaluation for pneumonia. Coronal CECT of the thorax identifies herniation of the omentum (dotted circle) through a clear defect in the right anterior-medial diaphragm (a) consistent with a Morgagni hernia. b, c A 49-year-old patient in the emergency department after trauma. Supine chest radiographs were suspicious for widening of the mediastinum. Axial (b) and coronal (c) CT clearly demonstrates a focal defect in the left anterior-medial diaphragm (white arrow) with herniation of peritoneal fat into the pericardium

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