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Fig. 12 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 12

From: Imaging of thoracic hernias: types and complications

Fig. 12

a–d A 5-year-old child with a history of right pneumonectomy for hypoplastic right lung and scimitar syndrome at the age of 1 year and now presenting with gradually increasing dyspnea. Axial CECT demonstrates a tissue expander in the right hemiothorax that was placed at the time of initial surgery (a, b). In addition, narrowing of the left bronchus is also seen, likely the cause of the post-pneumonectomy syndrome (white arrow). Follow-up axial CECT (c, d) with the upsized tissue expander in the right hemithorax demonstrates decreased narrowing of the left bronchus. In a growing child, these tissue expanders may need to be upsized over time to prevent these symptoms

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