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Table 1 Location and spread parameters of distribution of differences in stenosis measurements [p-values from Student’s t-test and Wilcoxon rank sum test (in parenthesis)]

From: Grading of carotid artery stenosis with computed tomography angiography: whether to use the narrowest diameter or the cross-sectional area


All stenosis

Stenosis 50–69%

Stenosis 70–99%

Mean (SD)

Median (IQR)


Mean (SD)

Median (IQR)


Mean (SD)

Median (IQR)


CDUS − CTA (area)

−0.4 (11.8)

0 (−5, 5)

0.68 (0.33)

−4.5 (10.1)

−2.5 (−12.5, 0)

0.005 (0.004)

2.1 (12.0)

0 (−5, 10)

0.14 (0.22)

CDUS −CTA (diameter)

20.7 (14.2)

22 (10, 28)

< 0.001 (<0.001)

17.3 (9.9)

20 (10,24)

< 0.001 (<0.001)

22.9 (16.0)

25 (20, 32)

< 0.001 (<0.001)

CTA (area) − CTA(diameter)

21.2 (7.1)

24 (20, 25)

< 0.001 (<0.001)

21.7 (4.5)

23 (20,25)

< 0.001 (<0.001)

20.8 (8.4)

24 (18, 25)

< 0.001 (<0.001)