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Fig. 14 | Insights into Imaging

Fig. 14

From: Cross-sectional imaging of complicated urinary infections affecting the lower tract and male genital organs

Fig. 14

Acute uncomplicated urethritis in a 30-year-old man with neurogenic bladder treated by intermittent self-catheterisation. Physical examination revealed induration and tenderness of the corpus spongiosum and purulent urethral secretions. Unenhanced T2-weighted MRI images (a) revealed a diffuse, uniform hypersignal in the corpus spongiosum (*) with corresponding intense homogeneous enhancement on post-gadolinium T1- weighted sequences (b, c). The infection did not appear to interrupt the tunica dartos or Buck’s fascia, and did not involve the corpora cavernosa, scrotum or ischioanal spaces. Note Foley catheter in place (thick arrows). The patient successfully recovered with temporary suprapubic catheter and intravenous and topical antibiotics [Partially reproduced with permission from Ref. [62]]

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