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Table 3 Checklist for reporting diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) technique in studies on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurement in tumour characterisation (recommended minimum requirements)

From: Apparent diffusion coefficient measurements in the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions: a systematic review

DWI parameters

 Field strength (T)

 Coil type (i.e., built-in body coil/surface coils)

 Pulse sequence [e.g., single-shot spin-echo/single-shot double spin-echo/multi-shot spin-echo, echo planar imaging (EPI)/non-EPI, etc.]

 Repetition time, echo time (ms)

 b-values (s/mm2)

 Directions of diffusion-weighting gradients

 Fat saturation technique (e.g., fat saturation, inversion recovery, water selection only, etc.)

 Number of excitations

 Parallel acquisition factor

 Echo train length

 Respiratory motion correction technique (i.e., breath-hold/respiratory gating/none)

 Cardiac motion correction technique (i.e., ECG triggering/finger pulse triggering/none)

 Voxel size (mm3)

 Receiver bandwidth

 Acquisition of DWI data before or after intravenous contrast administration

Method of ADC calculation

 Applied model for ADC calculation (e.g., monoexponential, biexponential, etc.)

 b-values that were used to calculate the ADC

Method of ADC measurement

 Description of which portion of the tumour was measured (e.g., whole tumour, only enhancing and/or solid portions, etc.)

 Description of ROI margins (i.e., distance from tumour periphery)

 ROI shape and size (fixed or variable)

 Single or multiple slice ROI measurement

 Verification of ROI position on diffusion-weighted images that were used to calculate the ADC map

  1. T Tesla, EPI echo planar imaging, ECG electrocardiogram, ROI region of interest